Executive Function Coaching
Executive Function Coaching is a one-on-one coaching service for clients who struggle with a variety of executive function skills, including planning, focus/attention, concentration, distractibility, memory, emotion regulation, impulse control, and multitasking. Students who engage in Executive Function Coaching benefit from learning strategies that improve organization, planning, prioritization, problem-solving, focus, self-assessment, and learning to study/work efficiently.
We are not born with executive function skills, but we are born with the potential to develop these skills and become successful in school, work, and household management. Executive function skills develop over time through practice, and they are strengthened by the experiences we have and environments we grow up in.
What is Executive Function?
There are three main areas of executive functions: working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility. An individual can struggle in all three areas of executive function as they work together, or have strong working memory skills but poor impulse control, for example. Strong Executive Function is essential for academic achievement, career success, and social/emotional development.
Who would benefit from Executive Function Coaching?
Children, adolescents, and adults who are struggling with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities or disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), neurodivergence, or other conditions that affect Executive Functions would benefit from coaching.
What does Executive Function Coaching entail?
Executive Function Coaching is a one-on-one service with the goal of helping clients identify and employ strategies individualized to their specific needs. Coaching is client-centered and voluntary, which means the client – especially children and adolescents – need to be engaged and motivated to set and work towards their goals. Families will be included in all coaching with children and adolescents to ensure there is support and to monitor progress outside of Executive Function Coaching sessions as well.
To learn more about Executive Function Coaching with our sister company, Get Centered Wellness, click here